5 reasons why electronic medical records are indispensable

5 reasons why electronic medical records are indispensable

Record keeping is an integral part of hospital management. The technology used has grown from simple handicrafts to complex IT systems. Since ancient times, medical records were manually kept on paper. It is slowly and gradually being replaced by advanced IT-based software systems. What are the obvious advantages that electronic records offer over paper-based registration? Read on to discover 5 reasons why electronic health records are indispensable:

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1. Huge storage capacity

Electronic medical records offer unparalleled storage capacity compared to paper records. This results in minimal storage and maintenance costs. By using the electronic storage medium, companies can reduce their overhead costs. It also provides a systematic collection of health information about individual patients and populations, avoiding chaos.

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2. Improve coordination

Sharing electronic medical records can be done much faster than on paper. It’s too much of a hassle to flip through piles of paper to find one simple piece of information. Instead, electronic medium provides faster and more accurate coordination between doctors and staff.

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3. Easy to control

IT registration databases ensure constant monitoring with minimal fuss. The monitoring is largely automated. The status of the records and the database is visible at the touch of a button. EMR (Electronic Medical Records) software has built-in tools for easy monitoring and report generation. You don’t have to go through every entry to ensure the integrity of the records maintained.

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4. Alert and Reminder Facility

Electronic medium provides additional benefits of alert generation. Alerts and reminders are provided by the system so that corrective action can be taken. The EHR systems can be customized to provide advance reminders. The alerts generated are accompanied by a detailed technical report so that repair technicians can easily fix the issues and problems.

5. Track Healthcare

Accurate and timely follow-up of patient information is possible with electronic patient records. It reduces guess histories, eliminates the need to see multiple specialists, ensures smooth transitions between healthcare facilities, and enables better care in emergency situations. Healthcare tracking includes both prescribing history and related outcomes.

However, implementing electronic health record systems along with EMR software can be time consuming and costly, the results are worth the effort. Healthcare hospitals need to embrace technology to strive for better healthcare and improving the overall quality of life. Humanity needs the combination of advanced health information technology and skills training to move forward. The better the hospital management system software, the better the healthcare that people in general can use.

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